Frequently Asked Questions
Can I live in an RV while I build my house?
No. There is no RV living allowed in Holiday Beach at any time.
Can I hook my RV up after I build my house?
No, you are only allowed to store your RV on your property. You are allowed to have it hooked to electricity.
Can I place a mobile/ manufactured home on my property?
Mobile/ manufactured homes are only permitted in the Woodland Hills Section of Holiday Beach.
Can I build a boat/ shed/ garage on my property before building my home?
No, you must build your home first.
Can I use my home as a vacation rental?
Yes, however renters DO NOT have the right to use the amenities. The property owner can lose their rights to amenity if renters are caught.
What are your terms and conditions?
Add an answer here.
What if I have 3 children?
Holiday Beach consider children/ grandchildren as family not guests.
Do I need a building permit?
You will need approval from the county first. Then you will submit your county permit, along with the water/ septic permits. You also need to complete the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) application. See ACC application tab on this website.
Can I park my boat trailer at the pier while I clean fish?
No, the pier has limited parking and maneuverability. We want to prevent damage to the gates.
Can I store my boat trailer at the boat ramps?
No, the boat ramps have limited parking and especially on holiday weekends we can quickly reach capacity.
What square footage is required for homes?
Minimum 500 Sf if the home is NOT being built on a canal or bayfront. Minimum 750 Sf if the home is being built on a canal or bayfront.